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Fairly Local - Twenty One Pilots ( from the album 'Blurryface)


This video is shot in an abandoned bulding, perhaps a hotel ( because of the style of the walls/wallpaper.) Throughout the whole video, there is a theme( in terms of colours) of blue and red, representing both the good/evil side of him. The costume for both is white jacket/warm clothes and black jeans. Josh( guy with red hair/drummer( is wearing a black scarf, whereas Tyler( singer and black paint around his neck and hands) is wearing a red beanie. In terms of mise-en-scène, the whole video and lyrics is a statement of the fight between himself and his inner personality/demon, Blurryface. The blue lighting represents a calm/maybe depressed or even anxious environment, as the lyrics talk about the negative side. The red shows how he might be possessed by Blurryface, especially the eyes as they are red, when the voice goes deep, and his personality changes ( more confident/ evil), we can see his true form or perhaps what is on his mind.


The lyrics are essential to this music video as they represent the different sides. The first verse and the second are the opposite, one talking about the negative side whereas the other one talks about trying to improve/be positive.


This whole video is performance led with two different personalities ie, Tyler and 'Blurryface'. When there are certain drum beats, it goes back to Josh, but its mostly Tyler. When it is Josh's screen time, the drumming has a slight sudden movement/effect, making it look like the drums are hit hard. 


The camera angles through the video are handheld, pans, long shots and close-ups. The handhelds are a bit shaky, perhaps showing what they feel like ie nervousness/anxious. The pans and long shots help show the set, and the colours/lighting and the close-ups show the importance of the action/face/emotions.

I’m evil to the core
What I shouldn't do I will
They say I’m emotional
What I wanna save I’ll kill
Is that who I truly am?
I truly don’t have a chance
Tomorrow I’ll keep a beat
And repeat yesterday’s dance

Yo, this song will never be on the radio
Even if my clique were to pick and the people were to vote
It’s the few, the proud, and the emotional
Yo, you, bulletproof in black like a funeral
The world around us is burning but we’re so cold
It’s the few, the proud, and the emotional

I’m not evil to the core
What I shouldn't do I will fight
I know I’m emotional
What I wanna save I will try
I know who I truly am
I truly do have a chance
Tomorrow I’ll switch the beat
To avoid yesterday’s dance











One of the previous points was that the verses are the opposites. With this in mind, the MV shows the difference of of Tyler, how at first, during the 'evil' side of the verse, everything is blue and calm, even though the lyrics mean quite the opposite. This juxtaposition can tell us that he is not himself and that he couldn't control the 'evil' side of himself therefore speaking/singing the words in a what seems 'normal'  environment. 


However, the second verse, the words are more encouraging, as if he is trying to stop thinking like he did previously. Although the MV shows a red environment, with Tyler himself trying to 'escape' as he seems really uncomfortable. This can tell us that Tyler is trying to win and that 'Blurryface' ( the 'evil') is trying to stop him from doing this. The red is very alarming, especially when the verse finishes to the other verse, where his voice changes to a more deeper, satanic/possessed like.

Twenty One Pilots - Stressed Out

The theme of this video is of 'childhood' as it suggests in the lyrics. He is wearing a backpack, black top with black shorts and leggings. He has got his usual make up ie the painted black neck and hands. Some say that this represents 'Blurryface' and that even during his childhood,'Blurryface' is with him.  The personification of 'Blurryface' creates an effect that this 'person' is real. 


This is based around their childhood as the location of their shoot is of their old homes( ie when they were children). During the chorus, we can see that they are in their old homes, with their brothers in the background, to show that they used to hang out together, playing and listening to music. The 'friendship' handshake and the old photographs of them also indidcates that this video is based on their childhood.


A tracking long shot of Tyler riding his tricycle and the close-ups of his face while he is lip-syncing.

Then it goes to a studio, with a white background. There are two red beds faced sideways, with both Josh and Tyler wearing red, lying on the bed with eyes closed, Their family members are on the side of the bed, dressed in black. The lyrics ' wake up and you need to make money' are sang/lip-synced by their family members. 

Then the bed disappears one by one, with their instruments appearing.


During the end, the voice deepens, like in the previous video, with close-up shots of Tyler in a black background, with his red beanie and red eyes. This can present 'Blurryface' appearing, out of no where.

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