Only getting younger by Elliphant ft. Skrillex
This video is, weird I guess but who am I to say what's weird or not. The angles, and super crispy quality of the first section of this video emphasis what a 'dental'/hygiene place would be like, but after the tooth extractions, it goes crazy, with greenscreen work then it goes back to the dentistry but it is covered beautiful lightings/colours(pictured below). What I also like about this video is the angles, from facing her/back + tracking shots. The tracking shots really help for people to follow the artist ( sort of like, being there with her.) The acting in this video is flawless because of the crazy dancemoves/ on seizures like which really help emphasise the absurdity ( especially the colours as you do not see them in hospitalised areas.) This video really suits the artist as well, as the singing/rapping (whatever it is) is not mainstream, at all. And neither is the video.